by Isabelle Tuli - Date Reviewed: 03/09/2016 [kamp.arizona.edu]

Extermination of the Hierarchy / kamp.arizona.edu

Usually I hate music but this album was pretty good.

Literary figure Oscar Wilde once famously said, “All art is quite useless.” Wilde was wrong, but in his defense he was never able to give this album a listen.

Pablo is a solo artist, which is impressive when you take into account how many different elements and details each song contains. All the tracks on this album are different in very extreme ways, always maintaining an underlying psychedelic vibe but also experimenting with different styles and sounds. Pablo is a revolutionary who hates chemtrails and the mainstream media and is also aware that all the bees are dying. A brave anarchist, his creation of this album was him doing his part to exterminate the hierarchy and also raise awareness to the Save The Bees movement. Do you guys understand how important bees are? And what will happen to us if all the bees die? I’m not really that sure off the top of my head but I’m guessing it all has something to do with pollination. Pablo is simply not afraid to tell it like it is and he implies that when all the bees die, humanity could possibly be…nay…will be next…Scary, but true.

The album is a terrifyingly suspenseful odyssey of Pablo’s journey to exterminate “the hierarchy” – in the end, while one might assume that he does ultimately exterminate it. I personally feel that there is still much work to be done. At the very least, Pablo exposes the previously invisible mist of opression (sic) and pesticides surrounding all of us collectively, and benevolently enables us with the tools to fight it. Not only is art quite useful, it might be the most useful thing of all….

To educate yourself on the terrifying decline of bees, and what you can do to help, please visit http://sos-bees.org/

Sounds Like: the hierarchy being exposed.

Recommended Tracks:

2. Crazy Ideas: Here Pablo tells his intrigued audience that he “has crazy ideas running around in my head” – one could perhaps say that by doing this, Pablo is setting himself up to be an unreliable narrator. Curiously enough, by the end of the album the intended listener probably thinks Pablo is the only reliable narrator in the entire world and will avoid the lies and manipulations of the mainstream media for the rest of humanity (which actually won’t be that much time if all the bees are dead btw…)

3. Hollywood Won’t Be There: This is an emotional song, and it’s clear by the detail that this is not just Pablo’s outside perspective. Pablo was likely very hurt by Hollywood in the past, and in retaliation this song came to fruition. The personal connection to the song creates empathy and establishes trust between the listener and Pablo.

11. Following Orders: PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS SONG…Pablo’s magnum opus starts off ominously: A man asks the question “How did you guys make it so big?” and a VERY convincing British accent, the reply is given: “It’s quite simple actually…We were merely following orders.” Holy shit!!!!!!! !! ! ! ! shit!!!!!!! I think that Pablo was trying to emulate The Beatles in that moment? Pablo doesn’t give the listener sufficient time to process the exchange, as the song starts and Pablo exposes everything wrong in the world in under 3 minutes. He drills home the concept of complicity in a burning world, and our own failure as humans to step up and counter evil by simply saying no to The Man. The song ends with Pablo singing, “Now It’s time to say…good-“ Before Pablo can utter the last intended word, “goodbye” there is a massive explosion-type sound and the song ends. A gush of wind and the crackling of fire can be heard faintly in the background during the songs final seconds. Is Pablo perhaps prophesying that humanity will end via nuclear war? The ending is genius, as the listener is able to project their own worst fears onto the ambiguous, yet clearly fatal sound.

Name: Isabelle Tuli

Date Reviewed: 03/09/2016

Music World-Jazz